Mass Times. St Bede’s Clayton Green
Saturday, Vigil 6pm
Sunday, 11 am
Weekdays, Tuesday and Friday 9.15. (Please see Newsletter below for any changes.)
Mass Times. St Chads Whittle le Woods
Sunday 9.15
Weekdays, Monday and Thursday 9.15 (Please see Newsletter below for any changes.)
This page and the Topics page will be updated each week and whenever new information is forthcoming. Additional new information and topical news is also on the Events or Topics pages
Ordinary Time
Apart from those seasons having their own distinctive character, thirty-three or thirty-four weeks remain in the yearly cycle that do not celebrate a specific aspect of the mystery of Christ. Rather, especially on the Sundays, they are devoted to the mystery of Christ in all its aspects. This period is known as Ordinary Time.
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Newsletter 9th February 2025
Streamed masses
Masses from St Gregorys and St Joseph’s along with other churches via The availability of Mass will continue to be said at St Mary’s Chorley.
Click here for Events
If you would like to make a donation in support of St Bede’s parish please click on any of these links for a Text donation, a single donation or this link for a regular standing order
Funerals and weddings.If you have any concerns or questions please telephone Fr Mark. 01257 460154.
25th May 2020 An important letter from Pope Francis and two prayers to Our Lady Click here
Our Lady’s Shrine, Walsingham All Masses, Services, Benediction, Exposition etc are available by 24 /7 live streaming. Three Masses every day and Exposition throughout the night.
Mass Intentions: Fr Mark invites anyone who would like a Mass to be said for a particular intention to get in touch with him on Tel. No 01257 460154 or by email.
Isolated Parishioners If you know any parishioner who might be feeling a bit isolated Fr Mark would be very happy to ring them if you think that would help. Please ring Father or send an e-mail. Thanks.
Important: Holy Communion whilst in hospital.
Please contact St. Joseph’s Presbytery if any of your family is admitted to Chorley Hospital 01257 262713.
If any family member is admitted to Preston Hospital, please inform the chaplain on 01772 522435.
If any family member is admitted to Wigan Infirmary, please inform the chaplain on 01942 822324.
This request comes from the respective hospital chaplains.
The Elderly, Sick and Housebound. Please could we remember the elderly, sick and housebound. Give them a telephone call, a few minutes of your time will mean an awful lot. Please continue to support each other and let us keep each other in our prayers.You might like to write a list of the people you are particularly holding in your prayers at this difficult time and keep it with you. Read through it slowly at different times of the day.
There is a nice time of prayer to follow on the website of the Salesians which has been produced for this time.
St Bede’s is a Catholic church within the Chorley Deanery belonging to the Archdiocese of Liverpool. We are a medium sized parish set on the A6 between Chorley and Preston. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any assistance.
Parish Priest Father Mark Beattie
598 Preston Road, Clayton Green, Chorley.
PR6 7EB.
Tel: 01772 335209 If there is no answer on this number and you need to talk to Fr Mark please call 01257 460154